The movie Afraid of the Dark (1991) is a French-British drama film directed by Mark Peploe and starring James Fox, Fanny Ardant, and Paul McGann. The film follows a young boy named Lucas who is convinced that there is a murderer about as his mind begins to confuse reality and delusion. Lucas is going blind, and the only thing that could save his eyesight is a risky eye operation that could either fix his eyes or blind him for good. Scared, lonely, and half-blind, he lets his subconscious fears and desires and grim imagination run loose. He spends a lot of his time spying on people and visiting the local graveyard and the mausoleum. He starts seeing a creepy serial killer everywhere in town, who goes after blind women and stabs them in the eyes.
- James Fox as Frank
- Fanny Ardant as Miriam
- Paul McGann as Tony Dalton
- Clare Holman as Rose
- Robert Stephens as Dan Burns
- Susan Wooldridge as Lucy Trent
- David Thewlis as Locksmith / Tom Miller
- Ben Keyworth as Lucas
- Catriona MacColl as Blind Woman
- Hilary Mason as Basement Woman
- Sheila Burrell as Meg
- Star Acri as 1st Girl at Wedding
- Niven Boyd as Ice-Cream Man
- Tiffany Bryant as Tess
- Frances Cuka as Mrs. Dalton
The movie Afraid of the Dark (1991) was directed by Mark Peploe and produced by Simon Bosanquet. The film was shot in London on a budget of $3 million [3]. The film was released on DVD in the United States in 2003 by Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment [2].
A review by Film School Rejects describes the movie as “a haunting psychological thriller” [2]. The Austin Chronicle describes it “gets so wrapped up in its psychological dimensions that it forgets the rudiments of suspense” [3].
[1]: “Afraid of the Dark – Wikipedia”. Retrieved 21 October 2023.
[2]: “Essential Viewing: ‘Afraid of the Dark’”. Film School Rejects. Retrieved 21 October 2023.
[3]: “Afraid of the Dark”. Austin Chronicle. Retrieved 21 October 2023.