The movie Crossfire (2000) is a Japanese horror film directed by Shusuke Kaneko. The film follows Junko, a young woman who was born with pyrokinesis, the ability to start fires with her mind. Junko is secretly in love with Kazuki, a young man who works with her. However, her powers begin to spiral out of control, and she starts to incinerate anyone and anything at will.
- Ryoko Yonekura as Junko Aoki
- Shosuke Tanihara as Kazuki
- Yosuke Saito as Detective Kuroda
- Takako Fuji as Junko’s mother
- Yutaka Matsushige as Junko’s father
- The movie Crossfire (2000) is a Japanese horror film.
- The film explores the theme of obsession.
- The film features a young woman who was born with pyrokinesis, the ability to start fires with her mind.