The movie Nightmare (2000), also known as Gawi, is a South Korean horror film directed by Ahn Byeong-ki. The film follows Hye-jin, a psychology student, who is visited by her old friend Seon-ae. Seon-ae claims that Kyung-ah is following her, and soon after, Seon-ae is found dead. Hye-jin begins to investigate the mysterious death and discovers that Kyung-ah was a victim of bullying in high school.
- Kim Gyu-ri as Hye-jin
- Choi Jung-yoon as Seon-ae
- Ha Ji-won as Min-ah
- Kim Tae-woo as Detective Choi
- The movie Nightmare (2000) is a South Korean horror film.
- The film explores the theme of revenge.
- The film features a vengeful ghost.