The movie The Art of Dying (2000) is a Spanish horror film directed by Álvaro Fernández Armero. The film follows a group of friends who are being pressured for their knowledge of the whereabouts of a missing artist. They all deny involvement, but soon they have reason to fear for their lives as it appears a serial killer is hunting them all down. The one friend closest to the artist watches helplessly as his once quiet life is shattered by incrimination, suspicion, and ultimately — horrific violence.
- Adría Collado as Ivan
- Elsa Pataky as Virginia
- Sergio Peris-Mencheta as Rafa
- Lucía Jiménez as Clara
- María Esteve as Ana
- Gustavo Salmerón as Nacho
- Fele Martínez as Carlos
- The movie The Art of Dying (2000) is a Spanish horror film.
- The film features a death-obsessed artiste with delusions of coolness.